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Announcements / Re: The Old Thyme Machines Forum has Closed
« Last post by The Wizard on 30 September 2018, 22:41:28 »
Thanks Ian for doing this
No problem Hazel.

Thank you Ian.  It will give quite a few of us a chance to communicate and share files if we wish.  I have a whole raft of freebies that were on TG.  Do you think it would be worth uploading some to this forum for members to download?
You can upload some files if you want to Mary, all I have to do is to create a category for them, when I thought of a name for it  ;D .
Announcements / Re: The Old Thyme Machines Forum has Closed
« Last post by MaryP on 30 September 2018, 22:27:15 »
Thank you Ian.  It will give quite a few of us a chance to communicate and share files if we wish.  I have a whole raft of freebies that were on TG.  Do you think it would be worth uploading some to this forum for members to download?
Announcements / Re: The Old Thyme Machines Forum has Closed
« Last post by Hazel P on 30 September 2018, 21:25:16 »
Thanks Ian for doing this
Announcements / The Old Thyme Machines Forum has Closed
« Last post by The Wizard on 29 September 2018, 22:08:05 »
The Thyme Machines forum ceased to exist on Wednesday 26 September 2018 at about 15:30 hours. There were over 141,000 posts (over 25% were by Dawn and Gaz), and over 2GB of attachments to the forum.

The Thyme Machines Facebook Group is closed group that was started by ex-thyme machines forum administrators, Gaz (DragonLord) and Lucy (Loopylass). Only members of the Thyme Machines forum can join the group
Silhouette Studio Library File Extractor V1.x / Re: IDEAS
« Last post by The Wizard on 03 September 2018, 10:01:42 »
I'm not too sure what you mean.

Silhouette Studio Library File Extractor V1.x / IDEAS
« Last post by miltyme5 on 03 September 2018, 00:34:41 »
looking for ideas on how to marry football and women together for t-shirts for women working in silhouette
Questions and Answers / Re: FCM to SVG converter
« Last post by AmyS on 29 May 2018, 14:27:04 »
Thank you!!
Questions and Answers / Re: FCM to SVG converter
« Last post by The Wizard on 29 May 2018, 10:27:35 »
Depending on the browser being used, you can right click on the link and select 'Save Link As' or 'Save Target As'. If that doesn't work, try right clicking on the image and try the 'Save as' options (one of them should work).

Questions and Answers / FCM to SVG converter
« Last post by AmyS on 29 May 2018, 04:51:03 »
Hello....I'm looking at purchasing one of the conversion packages on this site but have a quick question first.  I trialed the FCM to SVG converter tool and it successfully gave me a link to access my conversion, but how can I get that put onto my computer in a non-link format??  I want it on my computer so that I can use it in various ways rather than just seeing it online (via link)?  Thank you!!! Really hoping this tool is my answer to getting all of my designs out of Brother Scan n Cut and onto my computer.
Support / Re: installation and regestration
« Last post by The Wizard on 02 May 2018, 12:19:53 »
Just in case others are reading this.

If you get the error message 'This app can't run on your PC' on Windows 10, then try to un-install and re-install the software again.

If you get a registration form that is blank, and the error message 'No product has been found to register. The application will close'. Then your anti-virus software will have removed the 'BookFolding.exe' program.

You will need to add the 'BookFolding.exe' program, to the list of 'Trusted Programs'.

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